GesA - Healthy Work

by Prof. Dr. Kauffeld & Lorenzo



Todays working environment places ever greater challenges on all employees, which can result in health problems and mental illness. The focus on ones own health and balance between challenge and recovery, as well as the use of individually appropriate measures, increases balance and improves ones own productivity. The greatest benefit can only be achieved if measures are individualized: Without a specific analysis and measures tailored to this, interventions "with the watering can principle" do not have an efficient effect. The GesA app makes it possible to independently determine personal resources and requirements of the work environment in five individual blocks in a time-effective manner using a scientifically based questionnaire (Schulte, Wittner & Kauffeld, 2021). It reveals ones own resources and requirements in equal measure. Resources are considered to be supportive, protective, and health-promoting aspects. Demands are to be understood as challenging aspects of work, some of which are experienced as stressful and the overcoming of which is energy-sapping and only possible through great effort. Based on this, users receive a direct evaluation with recommendations for behavior-related measures and helpful tips for improving their own mental health. The app is currently only available in German.